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We hope the information on this website can be useful to people selecting classes or people
that just want to know more about a teacher. Not affiliated with KCSD.
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Teacher Currently With The Best Ratings: Ms. Wilson
Teacher Currently With The Worst Ratings: Dr. Tamargo
*three reviews must be submitted to show here
Dr. Smith
7 student ratings have been averaged to get this data:
(higher number is more/better)
Overall Opinion Rating: 10/10
Kindness: 5/5
Email Response Time: 3/5
Homework Amount: 2/5
Amount of Writing: 4/5
Test Difficulty: 2/5
Phone Allowance In Class: Rarely
Student Comments:
"Good teacher"
Message To Teachers:
If you do not like our content and would like your section removed, please email us at contactkennetthighschool@gmail.com. Please send this email from your KCSD.org account.